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Ms word

Popularly known as Ms Word  is one of the office productivity applications included in the Microsoft Office suite. It is one of the most preferred us Word processor. Tips and Tricks to use Ms Word for creating report, thesis and dissertation, equation and more will be shared here.

There are many ways to get root or radical symbol in Ms Word. Of all these methods, if you know Math AutoCorrect method of Ms Word then you need not remember the rest. Equation Editor Shortcut: Math AutoCorrect Math AutoCorrect method is easy to remember and one of the efficient if not the most efficient of all. It is also similar to LaTeX method of typing root or radical sign.… Read More »LaTex in Word: Equation editor shortcut for square root, cube root and nth root in Ms Word

LaTex in Word: Equation editor shortcut for square root, cube root and nth root in Ms Word

Ms Word shortcut for commonly used Mathematical and Scientific Symbols

Maths, Science and Engineering uses many unique symbols for denoting specific things. It includes symbols like infinity, different arrows, set symbols, degree sign, angle sign and various mathematical symbols and signs. Symbols in Maths, Science and Engineering Maths Symbol in Ms Word Ms Word provides different ways to insert symbols. To add any symbol, you can go to Insert Tab and click on Symbols. This opens up the dialogue box,… Read More »LaTeX in Word: Shortcut of typing degree symbol, different types of arrows and other mathematical symbols

LaTeX in Word: Shortcut of typing degree symbol, different types of arrows and other mathematical symbols

Problem Statement Write a function that reverse a string. Input string will be given as an array of characters char[]. Can you to it without allocating extra space for another array? Hint: You must do this by modifying the input array in-place with O(1) extra memory. You may assume that all the characters comprise of printable ascii character. Examples: Example 1: Example 2: Let’s see how to solve this question.… Read More »Optimized way to Reverse a String | Leetcode Challenge #344

Optimized way to Reverse a String | Leetcode Challenge #344

Longest repeated substring problem is a problem of finding the longest substring that occurs at least twice in a given string. This is also one of the important interview questions. Problem Statement Given a string S, consider all duplicated substrings: (contiguous) substrings of S that occur more than once.  (The occurrences may overlap.) Return any duplicated substring that has the longest possible length.  (If S does not have a duplicated substring, the answer is "".) Example 1: Input: “banana”, Output: “ana” Example… Read More »Longest Repeated Substring Problem | Longest Duplicate Substring Problem with Code

Longest Repeated Substring Problem | Longest Duplicate Substring Problem with Code

You might have noticed some times Microsoft Word automatically converts text into required fraction you need. But for most of the case, Word doesn’t do this magical conversion. It happens because, Ms Word has autocorrect feature enabled by default that convert commonly used fractions like 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 to fraction characters like , and . However using this feature you can convert only a handful of fraction automatically. It… Read More »How to Type Fraction in Word: Tips and Tricks to Write Fractions

How to Type Fraction in Word: Tips and Tricks to Write Fractions

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If you are writing any technical or mathematical content in Microsoft Word, then it is very much likely that it contains Greek alphabets or Greek letters. They are widely used in fields of science and engineering to demote various constants, values and phenomenon / particle. Greek Alphabets Greek alphabet has both capital and small versions. All the Greek alphabets finds it use in science and mathematics. However, unlike Latin based… Read More »Keyboard shortcut for Greek alphabet in Microsoft Word

Keyboard shortcut for Greek alphabet in Microsoft Word

If your work include copying multiple items and pasting then you have come to the right place. This blog will tell you how to enable multiple clipboard in Windows using safe, secure and free software Autohotkey. Clipboard is the temporary memory where items that you copy (control + x) are saved. Windows by has only one clipboard. Multiple clipboard is new feature that has been added in Windows 10. You… Read More »Multiple Clipboard in Windows: Copy & paste multiple items with Autohotkey (freeware).

Multiple Clipboard in Windows: Copy & paste multiple items with Autohotkey (freeware).

If you do some repetitive tasks and wish if you could automate it. Then you have come to the right place. No more wasting time in doing mundane task when you can automate it with Autohotkey, the free Windows Automation tool. AutoHotkey is a free, powerful and versatile Window Automation tool that allows you to automate almost anything on your Windows PC. No need to spend money on Windows automation… Read More »Windows automation tool Autohotkey | Automate common task with Autohotkey |

Windows automation tool Autohotkey | Automate common task with Autohotkey |

Microsoft Word is a great tool for formatting text, but what if you want to insert a chemistry formula in your Word document?. You can type all types of Chemical reaction in word by going into Insert-> Equation. Whoever has written chemical equation by this way knows how painful it is. But don’t worry you have come to right place. Here you will learn all the shortcuts, tips and tricks… Read More »Ms Word Tutorial on How to type chemical reaction in Word: Chemical formula, Reaction arrows and text above and below arrow

Ms Word Tutorial on How to type chemical reaction in Word: Chemical formula, Reaction arrows and text above and below arrow