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Keyboard shortcut for Greek alphabet in Microsoft Word

If you are writing any technical or mathematical content in Microsoft Word, then it is very much likely that it contains Greek alphabets or Greek letters. They are widely used in fields of science and engineering to demote various constants, values and phenomenon / particle.

Greek Alphabets

Greek alphabet has both capital and small versions. All the Greek alphabets finds it use in science and mathematics. However, unlike Latin based script that used 26 letters, Greek only has 24 letters. For a complete list of upper and lower case Greek alphabet visit blog.

Microsoft Word shortcut for Greek Alphabet

There are many ways to type Greek alphabet in Microsoft Word. Novice users use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) method to insert Greek Alphabets. It involves navigating Insert Tab and selecting desired Greek symbol from Symbols. However, this method is cumbersome and inefficient as it takes multiple click.

LaTeX type shortcut for Greek Alphabets in Ms Word

Many users prefer LaTeX type shortcut for tying Greek Alphabets. However, very few Microsoft Word users know that similar shortcut exists in Ms Word too. Table below lists Ms Word shortcut for Greek Alphabets.

Ms Word Alt code for Greek Alphabets

You can quickly get Greek letter using Alt shortcut. Press Alt key and following 3 digit number for Greek alphabet before releasing Alt key.

Name Greek Alphabet Equation Editor Shortcut Alt Code Shortcut
Alphaα\alphaAlt + 945
Betaβ\betaAlt + 946
Gammaγ\gammaAlt + 947
Deltaδ\deltaAlt + 948
Epsilonε\epsilonAlt + 949
Zetaζ\zetaAlt + 950
Etaη\etaAlt + 951
Thetaθ\thetaAlt + 952
Iotaι\iotaAlt + 953
Kappaκ\kappaAlt + 954
Lambdaλ\lambdaAlt + 955
Muμ\muAlt + 956
Nuν\nuAlt + 957
Xiξ\xiAlt + 958
Omicorno\omicornAlt + 959
Piπ\piAlt + 960
Rhoρ\rhoAlt + 961
Sigmaσ\sigmaAlt + 963
Tauτ\tauAlt + 964
Upsilonυ\upsilonAlt + 965
Phiφ\phiAlt + 966
Chiχ\chiAlt + 967
Psiψ\psiAlt + 968
Omegaω\omegaAlt + 969
Name [latexpage] Greek Alphabet Equation Editor Shortcut Alt Code Shortcut
AlphaA\AlphaALT + 913
BetaB\BetaALT + 914
GammaΓ\GammaAlt + 915
DeltaΔ\DeltaAlt + 916
EpsilonE\EpsilonAlt + 917
ZetaZ\ZetaAlt + 918
EtaH\EtaAlt + 919
ThetaΘ\ThetaAlt + 920
IotaI\IotaAlt + 921
KappaK\KappaAlt + 922
LambdaΛ\LambdaAlt + 923
MuM\MuAlt + 924
NuN\NuAlt + 925
XiΞ\XiAlt + 926
OmicornOOAlt + 927
PiΠ\PiAlt + 928
RhoP\RhoAlt + 929
SigmaΣ\SigmaAlt + 931
TauT\TauAlt + 932
UpsilonΥ\UpsilonAlt + 933
PhiΦ\PhiAlt + 934
ChiX\ChiAlt + 935
PsiΨ\PsiAlt + 936
OmegaΩ\OmegaAlt + 937


LaTeX way of typing Greek alphabet is the fastest and easiest way. Study shows that it can use save up to 80% of equation writing time. Another time saving method is Alt method but you need to remember unique 3 digit number for each Greek letter.

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