Have you ever wanted to personalize the hyperlinks in your Word document but felt limited by the default blue and purple link colors? Or you have changed hyperlinked color by mistake and want to reset it but don’t know how? Good news! Changing hyperlink colors in Microsoft Word is easier than you think. This tutorial will guide you through the process, so your hyperlinks match your desired style and theme.
Why Change Hyperlink Colors?
Whether you’re working on a formal document or something creative, altering the default hyperlink colors can enhance your document’s readability and overall aesthetic. Some time you want hyperlink color it stands out while in other case blue hyperlinks might stand out too much, whereas subtle tones can blend seamlessly with your text. Whatever the case may be, Let’s get started with how to change color of hyperlinked text!
Changing Hyperlink Colour in Word (Windows)
- Open the Styles Panel: Go to the Home tab, and look for the small Styles icon at the bottom-right corner of the Styles group (or press
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
) - Find the Hyperlink Style: In the Styles window, click the drop-down menu and select All Styles. Scroll down and find Hyperlink.
- Modify the Hyperlink Style: Right-click on Hyperlink and select Modify. A new window will open where you can adjust the hyperlink’s formatting, including color.
- Select a New Color: Click on the color dropdown menu and choose the color that best fits your document. Click OK to save your changes(IU Knowledge Base).
- Update Followed Hyperlink Color:
- Don’t forget to change the color for followed hyperlinks! Repeat the same process but select FollowedHyperlink in the Styles window(Solve Your Tech).
Changing Hyperlink Colour in Word (Mac OS)
For Mac users, the process is similar but with slight variations:
- Open Styles: Go to the Format menu and select Style. Under List, make sure All styles is chosen.
- Modify Hyperlink Style: In the styles list, select Hyperlink, click Modify, and then go to the Font option where you can select your preferred hyperlink color.
- Save Your Changes: Once you’ve picked the color, click OK to save.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I remove underline from a hyperlink in Word?
To remove the underline from hyperlinks, go back to the Modify style option under Hyperlink and uncheck the underline option in the font settings.
Can I stop Word from automatically creating hyperlinks?
Yes, you can disable this by going to File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options > AutoFormat as you type, and unchecking “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks“.
Why doesn’t my hyperlink work?
This can happen due to a few reasons, such as a broken URL or Word settings preventing the hyperlink from functioning properly. Check the URL or adjust Word’s hyperlink settings under File > Options > Advanced and check the box against “Use Ctrl + Click to follow hyperlink”.
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C P Gupta is a YouTuber and Blogger. He is expert in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. His YouTube channel @pickupbrain is very popular and has crossed 9.9 Million Views.